Name: Dr. Liangzi Deng
Title: Assistant Professor | TcSUH Welch Professorship
Email: ldeng2@central.uh.edu
Phone: 713-743-3728
Office Location: HSC – 264
Classification: Faculty
Department/Affiliation: Physics – PHYS
Department Webpage: Profile on PHYS Website
CV: Download CV
Research Interests: Dr. Liangzi Deng’s research interests lie in experimental condensed matter physics, with a focus on superconductivity, magnetism, and topology. He is particularly excited about maintaining at ambient conditions the record-high-temperature superconductivity initially achieved in certain materials under high pressure, which will enable thorough scientific studies and practical applications of these materials. Deng aims to extend this concept to a broader range of research, focusing on investigating novel properties induced under extreme conditions (such as high pressure) and then retaining metastable phases with favorable properties after the removal of the extreme conditions initially required to generate these properties. Additionally, he is interested in synthesizing novel superconductors and topological materials, as well as discovering new phenomena through the design and synthesis of new materials. Deng’s group is also dedicated to designing revolutionary tools to accelerate discovery and technological deployment of quantum materials. Deng hopes to unravel the underlying mechanisms of high-temperature and room-temperature superconductivity and contribute to the application of superconducting and related materials, collaborating closely with students and fellow researchers.
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