TcSUH Student Opportunities
The Texas Center for Superconductivity conducts important multidisciplinary research in world-class facilities. Graduate and undergraduate students have opportunities to fully experience this environment in both formal and informal settings through:
- Research in multidisciplinary laboratories and training on equipment in our Core Facilities;
- Multidisciplinary advisory committees;
- Participation in the monthly TcSUH Student Seminar Series and the juried Annual Student Symposium;
- Weekly lab group meetings;
- Participation in TcSUH, college, and departmental activities such as bi-weekly and monthly seminars, symposia, joint colloquia, Special Lecture series, weekly departmental seminars, Sigma Xi competitions, UH Research Day; membership in MRS and IEEE Student Chapters, and other activities;
- TcSUH and other U. S. and international workshops, meetings and conferences;
- Annual technical review of research programs; and
- Opportunities to serve as guides, demonstration leaders and mentors at the TcSUH Open House, during research facility tours, and during elementary and secondary educational outreach programs.
Recruitment of talented graduate and undergraduate students the next generations of researchers is a high priority. Graduate and undergraduate student research is a vital component of the TcSUH research program. Efforts include:
- Collaboration in graduate student recruitment efforts with the departments of chemistry, physics, computer science, and chemical engineering, electrical and computer engineering, mechanical engineering (and the program in materials engineering);
- Internships for talented high school senior students.
Application Process
Talented students who wish to apply to the TcSUH program should send an email to outlining their educational and research experience, area of research interest, and educational plans to the TcSUH Office of Public Affairs.
Students who wish to attend the University of Houston must register through the normal University of Houston application process. Online admission application forms, information on the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics and the Cullen College of Engineering, and general requirements for U.S. and international students may be found on the University of Houston website.
Opportunities exist for undergraduate students to work as part of a multidisciplinary research team under the guidance of TcSUH faculty, researchers, and graduate students. Students make oral and written presentations of projects to TcSUH faculty, researchers, and graduate students through their participation in the semi-annual Student Symposia.
TcSUH students have co-authored papers, attended and presented at conferences and symposia, and some are co-inventors on patents. The large majority of TcSUH undergraduate research assistants enroll in graduate programs after receiving their undergraduate degrees. An average of 25-30 undergraduates participate in the TcSUH program each year.
Student Showcase
A TcSUH Fall Welcome & Open House for Potential Graduate Students was inaugurated in Fall 2018 or 2019' to provide an occasion to meet TcSUH faculty and learn about opportunities for graduate research with TcSUH-affiliated advisors. The TcSUH Director delivers a welcome and an outline of plans for TcSUH operations and research. TcSUH principal investigators give brief overviews of research opportunities in their labs. All graduate students who do not have an advisor are invited to attend.
A new seminar series for TcSUH-affiliated students and postdoctoral fellows was inaugurated on October 8. The series was established by students to provide a place for practicing talks, as well as for meeting students from disciplines other than their own. Each seminar features talks from two TcSUH students and postdocs who are planning to attend upcoming conferences, workshops, or meetings. Each talk lasts for 20 or 30 minutes (including Q/A session) in an environment of peers that can help the speaker prepare for his or her future presentation. The seminars are held once a month, and refreshments are provided. The seminars are organized by committee of three student co-chairs.
Students are encouraged to apply for the talks. Presenters with upcoming conferences and meetings will have priority status on the seminar schedule. Please send the following information to when applying:
- Your name, degree program, and contact information;
- the title and abstract of your talk;
- the name and date of the upcoming conference (if applicable);
- and your group/department affiliation.
TcSUH Scholarship Information
TcSUH offers scholarships for graduate and undergraduate students working with and/or advised by TcSUH faculty members. They are intended to promote TcSUH research programs in High Temperature Superconductivity (HTS) and related materials.
Travel Award Information
Limited funds will be available to support the travel and conference attendance of TcSUH-affiliated graduate students who fulfil the eligibility criteria and who intend to present their work in the form of oral or poster contributions. Students who are associated with and supported by TcSUH may submit a request for a travel support award up to $500.00 USD per application for the academic year 2025 - 2026. The first prize winner of the TcSUH Student Symposium may receive an award of up to $1000.00 for eligible travel expenses. The funds are solely applicable to compensate for travel expenses (air fare, accommodation, registration fees) related to conference, workshop, or approved meeting participation.
Application requirements and guidelines are available in the following pdf.
Completed applications should be submitted at least one month prior to the conference to the TcSUH Student Travel Award Chairman, Dr. Shuo Chen at
Email the Public Affairs department at: or call us at: (713) 743-8213 to inquire about visits.