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News & Events At The Texas Center For Superconductivity

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Special Seminar

Magnetotransport in Heavy Fermion Metals CeMIn5 (M = Co, Ir): The Influence of Antiferromagnetic Fluctuations

by: Steffen Wirth

Date: Thursday November 06, 2008

Time: 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Location: Houston Science Center – Building 593 — Room 102


Heavy fermion metals are often characterized by a variety of relevant energy scales and competing interactions which may result in such fascinating phenomena as quantum criticality and unconventional superconductivity. Therefore, these materials have advanced to suitable model systems by means of which electronic interactions can be studied in detail. This will be discussed for two classes of heavy fermion metals: First, results of detailed magneto-transport investigations on YbRh2Si2 will be described. In the second part, we present an overview of magnetotransport measurements on CeCoIn5 and CeIrIn5. Pressure-dependent Hall measurements on CeCoIn5 exhibit a well developed feature that can unambiguously be related to spin fluctuations associated with the departure from Landau Fermi liquid behavior. Magnetotransport measurements on CeIrIn5 indicate a precursor state to superconductivity. The relation of this precursor state to the so-called pseudogap in high-TC cuprate superconductors will be discussed.

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Special Seminar

Brief Overview of Recent Developments on Iron-based Superconductors

by: Prof. Yan Chen

Date: Friday October 03, 2008

Time: 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Location: Houston Science Center – Building 593 — Room 102


Superconductivity has always attracted considerable attention from people in various fields due to its striking quantum phenomena. The recent discovery of high-temperature superconductivity in the iron-based pnictide materials has made a significant impact in the field of condensed matter physics. The superconducting transition temperature has been quickly raised to about 55K and this novel superconductor does not belong to the same categories as those of known superconductors such as copper oxide high-Tc superconductors and conventional BCS-type superconductors. In this talk, I will give a very brief introduction to the recent research progress as well as a perspective on these new iron-based superconductors, in particular, the theoretical and experimental efforts toward cracking the mechanism.

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Special Seminar

Cluster-based Model, a New Route Towards Description of Complex Atomic Structures

by: Prof. Chuang Dong

Date: Friday September 26, 2008

Time: 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Location: Houston Science Center – Building 593 — Room 102


Atomic structures are generally described by crystallography, which is entirely based on planar periodicity. However such a method largely fails in describing complex atomic structures such as complex metallic alloys and disordered systems. Alternative to planar periodicity is spherical periodicity arising from resonance between electron wave and static atomic strictures, which has been proven widely present in disordered systems. One unique advantage is that only local 1st-neighbor cluster structure information is needed to depict the global structure. It implies that a structure, no matter how complex it can be from crystallographic viewpoint, consists simply of a cluster plus a few glue atoms, or in cluster formula (cluster)1(glue atom)x. Such a cluster-plus-glue-atom model is applied to give the composition formulas of a variety of complex structures such as crystalline intermetallic compounds, bulk metallic glasses, quasicrystals, and even multi-element solid solution limit alloys.

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Special Seminar

Current Carrying State and Its Implication in a D-Wave Superconductor

by: Dr. Jian-Xin Zhu

Date: Tuesday July 08, 2008

Time: 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Location: Houston Science Center – Building 593 — Room 102


A fundamental property of all known superconductors is the formation of Cooper pairs in the superconducting state. A far-reaching implication of this fact is the quantization of magnetic flux in multiply connected superconducting geometries. In this talk, I will discuss the magnetic flux dependence of order parameter and supercurrent in a hollow $d$-wave superconducting cylinder. It is shown that the existence of line nodal quasiparticles in a pure $d_{x^2-y^2}$ pairing state gives rise to an $hc/e$ periodicity in the order parameter and a first-order quantum phase transition for a large system size. We demonstrate that the flux periodicity in the supercurrent is sensitive to the detailed electronic band structure and electron filling factor. In particular, we find that, in cooperation with the increase of the cylinder circumference, the $hc/2e$ periodicity can be restored significantly in the supercurrent by avoiding the particle-hole symmetry point. A similar study of a $d_{x^2-y^2}+id_{xy}$ pairing state verifies the peculiarity of unconventional superconductors with nodal structure. I will also discuss the possibility of an impurity quantum phase transition as driven by the supercurrent.

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Special Seminar

Supercurrents Through a Ferromagnet, Josephson π- Junctions as Superconducting Phase Inverters

by: Dr. V. V. Ryazanov

Date: Thursday May 22, 2008

Time: 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Location: Houston Science Center – Building 593 — Room 102


It was predicted by Larkin and Ovchinnikov and by Fulde and Ferrel that superconducting pairing can occur when the electron momenta at the Fermi energy are different for the two electron spin directions, for instance as the result of an exchange field in magnetic superconductors. The resulting 'LOFF'-state is qualitatively different from the zero-momentum state: it is spatially inhomogeneous and the order parameter contains nodes where the phase changes by π. The LOFF state was never observed in bulk material, but we present experimental evidence that it can be induced in a weak ferromagnet (F) sandwiched between two superconductors (S). Such an SFS junction can yield a phase shift of π between the superconducting banks. The phase change of the superconducting order parameter in the ferromagnet arises as a response of the Cooper pair, which consists of two electrons of opposite spin and momentum, to the energy difference between two spin directions in the ferromagnet. This shift manifests itself in reentrant superconducting behavior of the critical supercurrent temperature dependence, Ic(T), of the Josephson SFS junction as well as in half-period shift of Ic(H)-dependence of a triangular SFS junction array at point of a transition of the junctions from a "0-" to a "π"- state. The π-state offers fundamentally new ways for studying the coexistence of superconductivity and magnetism and may also be important for superconducting electronics, in particular in quantum computing: several schemes for the realization of the necessary qubits (quantum two level systems) rely on the use of phase shifts of π in a superconducting network.

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