Name: Dr. Byron Freelon
Title: Assistant Professor | TcSUH Welch Professorship
Email: bkfreelon@uh.edu
Office Location: SR1 – 419F
Classification: Research Professor
Department/Affiliation: Physics – PHYS
Department Webpage: Profile on PHYS Website
CV: Download CV
Research Interests: Dr. Byron Freelon’s main research focus is on strongly correlated electrons systems (SCES) and low-dimensional materials. These are classes of solid materials that manifest many interesting physical phases by virtue of an interplay between the electric charge (C), electronic spin (S), atomic orbital (O), and atomic lattice (L) degrees of freedom. Freelon employs neutron and x-ray scattering techniques in order to explore how these quantum degrees of freedom interact to produce some of nature’s most fascinating phase properties, such as high-temperature superconductivity, nematicity, and topological quantum phase behavior. By employing methods based on diffraction as well as resonant scattering, we obtain long- and short-range phase ordering information with the goal of assessing fundamental behaviors of materials. While his group performs many static scattering studies, they also conduct ultrafast time-resolved scattering measurements designed to disentangle the influence of correlated CSOL parameters. Time-resolved diffraction can be highly complementary to static diffraction. His group is developing time-resolved electron diffraction instruments in his laboratory on campus.
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